Evaluating a company’s financial health is an essential skill for all business owners. Learn the fundamentals of financial management with instruction on financial statements, financial analysis and cash flow management.
Find out what the numbers really mean and start developing practical strategies for improving your company’s performance. Instruction includes using a financial scorecard and dashboard that quickly and easily inform company personnel on financial performance. All attendees receive a scorecard and dashboard template in Microsoft Excel format.
Course Outline
- Components of financial statements
- How to read financial statements
- Financial Statement Analysis
- What the numbers really mean
- Cash flow management
- Financial Management Tools
- Financial scorecard and how to use it.
- Dashboard template
Attendees will gain an understanding of:
- financial statements
- financial analysis
- cash flow
- tools to use for financial management
- how to make to make informed decisions
- how to make timely corrective actions.

Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 5, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT
Contact Information
UGA SBDC - Contact Carole Arnold at Kennesaw@georgiasbdc.org or call 470.578.6450.
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