Register now to attend DeKalb Chamber's largest event of the year, featuring keynote speaker Rodney Bullard, CEO of The Same House PBC and former Senior Executive at Chick-fil-A.
The Annual Meeting will include a recognition of new Board Member appointees and Chamber Volunteers, along with a presentation from DeKalb Chamber President & CEO Frankie Atwater, Sr. as he shares highlights from the past year and unveils the Chamber's plan moving forward.
Sponsorship opportunities for the Annual Meeting are available now. To secure your sponsorship and logo or name placement on all event print and digital marketing email Stefani Strength.
Sponsorship Opportunities
$7,500 Gold
$5,000 Silver
$2,500 Bronze
Availability 1 2 REMAINING 4 REMAINING 10
Remarks by
Company Executive X
Tickets to Event 8 8 4 2
Verbal Recognition
from Podium X X X X
Logo Placement on
Registration Page &
Event Signage Top Billing
Logo Logo Logo Name
Logo Placement on
Promotional Materials Top Billing
Logo Logo Name Name
Logo Placement on
Social Media Top Billing
Logo Logo
Digital Program Ad Full Half Quarter
Recognition in Press Release
(Commit by 12/31/22) X X
Opportunity to Provide
Promo Items X X
Opportunity for Display Table X X X
For more information or to confirm your participation, please contact Stefani Strength at or 470-355-7824.
All logos and ads are due by Jan. 11. Please submit company logos and ads to Stefani Strength at job fair, hiring events, resources, employment, networking, jobs
DeKalb Chamber 86th Annual Meeting & Business Luncheon
New Year, New Me Career and Resource Fair