Are you getting the most out of your membership?
Did you realize that your Chamber membership comes with a whole host of FREE marketing tools for your business--all in one easy-to-access location? The Chamber's powerful member-focused software provides members with an event tool, a press release tool, a job posting board, and a hot deals/sales/specials tool--all free with your basic membership.
Take advantage of the benefits you receive as a Chamber member
Create and update your business's Enhanced Listing in the website business directory
Appear in our Membership Matters newsletter
Create a hot deal (discount) to appear on your listing
Submit a job posting / volunteer opportunity
We'll be hosting a virtual Chamber 101 class the fourth Tuesday of every other month from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM via Zoom to teach you how to use these new features!
New and existing members are invited to attend. Starting a business in uncertain economic times is risky, right? In reality, it?s financially advantageous. History tells us that the biggest opportunities await in hard times.
As you evaluate your entrepreneurial options, there are many compelling reasons to consider buying a franchise. Franchised businesses are historically proven to enjoy greater success, less risk, and significant competitive advantages compared to independent startups.
In this Live Online Workshop successful franchise experts from multiple industries will share their experiences about choosing, starting and growing franchised businesses in all economic seasons.
To be covered:
Five (5) Franchised industries to investigate now (and why)
What is required to succeed
Costs & funding opportunities
Timing & exit strategies
Resources to help you
Duration: 90 Minutes
About Our Instructors
Leslie Kuban is a nationally recognized franchise industry expert, executive education instructor, and Market President of FranNet, a franchise and small business consulting firm based in Atlanta. Her consultant team has helped over 500 individuals, families and investor groups select the best franchise for their goals and needs. Leslie's career and family business history consists of franchised and non-franchised small businesses in pack-and-ship logistics, real estate, signage manufacturing, and one-hour photo finishing.
?Greg Lard, a FranNet consultant, has enjoyed a diverse career in franchising as a unit franchisee, southeastern regional multi-market franchisee and corporate franchise development executive for emerging and large franchise organizations in pet products, food & beverage, commercial janitorial, and retail telecommunications. Along the way, he has helped 150 people also realize their business ownership goals in franchise ownership. The Accelerated Entrepreneurship Workshop provides Latinx business owners the knowledge and skills needed to successfully manage and grow their businesses. This workshop is an adult learning experience for Latinx business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, delivered through a combination of instruction, facilitated group work, peer-led discussion and independent and group exercises. In addition, there are preparatory assignments completed by participant prior to the workshop.
Course Outline
Module 1:
Independent Study
Pre-exam: Personal traits of an entrepreneur
What is a resume and how to prepare a simple summary?
Module 2:
Why Start a Business?
Marketing, Digital Marketing, & Market Analysis
Module 3:
Legal and insurance considerations
Technology for your business
Financial forecast to improve chances of success
Module 4:
Creating your 1-minute sales pitch
Prepare your Personal Financial Statement
Module 5:
Managing your business by the numbers, basic concepts of financial and cashflow management
Understanding the structure of a business plan
Learner Outcomes
Evaluate if Entrepreneurship is right for you.
Evaluate your concept and develop plans to move forward.
Gain knowledge on the different aspects of being a business owner.
Improve knowledge of business fundamentals.
Develop a plan for business operations and processes.
An actionable business plan and access to business planning software.
Develop a financial forecast to improve chances of success.
Develop an understanding of options for financing your business.
Network with entrepreneurial peers and professionals.
The Accelerated Entrepreneurship Workshop is composed of five two-hour sessions with important tools and resources that a business owner or aspiring entrepreneur needs to know to establish a solid foundation during their first years of business operation.
Chamber 101 - Virtual
Workshop - Best Franchises to Buy and Why
Workshop - Is Your Concept Ready to Be Franchised?